Information & Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur on Thursday said that the need of the hour is to focus on saving lives and livelihoods in Himachal Pradesh and not to play politics. The hill state has recently witnessed a loss of lives and infrastructure due to incessant rains and cloudburst incidents.
The death toll in Himachal on Thursday evening rose to 74, with nearly 21 deaths in Shimla alone, due to the impact of three major landslides.
Speaking to reporters, Thakur said, “ The first focus of everyone should be to work together to save lives, livelihoods and infrastructure of Himachal Pradesh. Once we settle down, there will be a detailed analysis of the reasons behind what has happened in the state.”
Referring to statements made by the state government, he said that ministers of the Himachal state government are speaking in different voices. He added that the disaster is being blamed on highways or mining. “Rather than making such comments and doing politics, the focus should be on rescue operations and providing medical facilities and essentials to the people of Himachal ,which is facing an unprecedented situation and a natural disaster,” Thakur added.
Stating that the Centre provides all kinds of assistance, he added that NDRF and IAF teams have been deployed in the state for relief work.Thakur is slated to visit Himachal Pradesh on August 20-21 to meet the affected people.
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